We Fight for our Right!

We Fight for our Right!

GRN ROOSTER official chat box

Here is a funny letter that I wrote for my friend!

1. Hi club penguin, can I please have 10,000 club penguin dollars so I can buy stuff with it. If not, can I be a moderator?
If not that either, can I have 4,000 coins. if not that, can I have 3,999 coins? if not that, can I have 3,998 coins? If not that, can I have 2,000 coins? If not that, can I have 100,000 coins? If not that, can I have access to edit club penguin? I would make it look like a super cross dirt bike racing! If not that, can you give me every single item there ever was? If not that, can I have a rainbow colored puffle?

Best Regards,
Chamber Of

P.S. Can I have everything that is on that list, because I am your biggest fan.

P.S.S I love you Club Penguin!

P.S.S.S. I have a suggestion for club
penguin, you should sell

P.S.S.S.S. Did I mention I am your
biggest fan?

P.S.S.S.S.S. Can I be a memeber for free?

P.S.S.S.S.S.S. Please call back about my T-Shirt!

2. Hi Clubpenguin, I have a question about Aqua Grabber, G didn't design the Submarine very well if it uses the air that you breathe to propel itself. You should tell G to make a propeller instead. Also, when you hit a fish, you bounce around, normally you would run it over and not have the fish run you over. Also, how does a grappling hook that is the size of the submarine come out of the Aqua Grabber?

What was your original penguin color on CP?